
We appreciate that some of our patients may find it easier to come to appointments with someone who can help them with communication.

This may be a family member, a friend or another person they have asked to attend the appointment with them.

With advance warning, we may also be able to arrange an interpreter to be present for a consultation.

There is a telephone-based service which can be arranged through  Interpreting NZ.  This service is FREE to the patient, as it is funded by Nelson Bays Primary Health.  Interpretation services are entirely confidential.

HOW Interpreting NZ works - Should you, a family member or friend require the interpretation service, the doctor will call you in to their consultation room, the interpreter is then phoned whilst you are there and the consultation begins.  This helps both you and the doctor understand both your needs and the content of the consultation.

 Deaf VRI (Video Remote Interpreting)

This service is available for patients who wish to communicate during consultations using New Zealand Sign Language. 

To make a booking - you may email